Barbie and the Divine Feminine
Between a sacred mushroom ceremony on Friday night and the Barbie movie on Sunday, I had a pretty loaded weekend.
If you aren’t hip to psychedelic medicine yet, then I recommend checking out the work of Ayelet Waldman (here’s a short talk on YouTube, and her book, “A Really Good Day”), and Michael Pollan’s ***“How to Change Your Mind”.***
Long story short, I signed up for a guided ceremony after a close friend experienced it first and reported that the transcendental organization that hosted her was safe and effective. She saw god and I wanted to as well.
The experience lasted 7 hours, from 11pm to 6am, but felt like years and minutes, at the same time. I was in conversation with the divine feminine energy the entire time, as she was a part of me but also my instructor, and guide. She kept saying, “listen to me! The answer lies within. Let’s find it! Listen to me, stay listening”. Therefore, I found myself in complete surrender so I could receive information about what I should do “next” and what is required of me “now”. Being at a crossroads in life is a great time to tap into psychedellic medicine, because it brings you within yourself, which is the only place to retrieve our answers.
We all have a feminine aspect within us, regardless of gender.
The concept of the divine feminine is rooted in various spiritual and religious traditions and is often associated with qualities such as intuition, creativity, and the power of creation. The feminine and masculine energies do not refer to gender-specific traits, but to sets of qualities, characteristics present in all individuals, regardless of gender identity. Both energies can be embraced and expressed by people, leading to a balanced and integrated approach to life.
The connection between the divine feminine and being an artist or creator lies in the belief that the act of creation, whether it be in the form of paintng, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression, is often seen as a channeling of divine energy or inspiration. Artists and creators may draw upon this archetype for inspiration, seeking to connect with this divine aspect to access deeper levels of creativity and insight.
The divine feminine is also associated with the concept of the "Great Mother" or the "Goddess," representing the source of all creation and creativity.
There’s a line in the Barbie movie that goes, "a mother's job is to stand still so her daughter can look back and see how far she's come”. Beautifully said, elicited waterworks from the audience, and struck me as a direct reflection of the divine feminine concept in relation to creativity.
What would it be like to approach your work with the entitlement of your life’s purpose?
In alignment with that line, it is our job as the “mothers” of our work to create what comes to us in this very moment, and contribute to the overall fabric of life itself in this specific way. Future artists and creators need your work as a point of reference for their creation. In this context, “standing still” means putting your work out into the world and continuing to create your art, as points of reference and guiding lights on the path of art and artistry.
If you are blessed with a story to tell, then the only thing getting in the way of letting it flow from you is your own human-ness. And that’s great, because we can work with that. We can clear the channels, that is our work to do.
Embracing the idea that you are in service to the divine feminine can encourage you to work with a sense of flow and intuition, allowing your creations to emerge organically rather than forcing them.
The connection between the divine feminine and being an artist or creator is not limited to any specific belief system. Various spiritual and philosophical traditions recognize and honor the significance of feminine energy and creativity in the creative process, and individuals may interpret and embody these concepts in diverse ways. Ultimately, the relationship between the divine feminine and artistic creation is a deeply personal and individual journey for each artist or creator.
It is our inherent nature, our birthright, to create.
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